Friday, July 11, 2014

Catching up

WOW , has it really been a year since I posted last. YIKES.....Well.... a lot has happened in a years time. Jared is back in college, Jeremy joined the Army, Jamison finished his freshman year of high school, and Jay had the best 2nd grade year ever. He would actually like to go back to Mrs. Tyler's second grade and repeat the whole year. Yes, she is that fabulous!!

 We endured the looooong wait for a referral for our little girl. As most of you know we were surprised with a file for TWINS!!! That is completely crazy and hard  to wrap my mind around. After having boys for the last 21 years, we will have girls in our house. That is both awesome and terrifying. I am so glad that they will have each other. Before our referral I kept telling Jason that we needed to do this again so that Mei Mei would have a sister. He was not sure that was a great idea :) but God heard my desire and gave us two at once. That is unbelievable!! They just turned 2 a few days ago and are completely perfect. I'll be sharing their names and photos  here tomorrow, so check back.

Daily life around here has been a little crazy.  My family would say that I've been a hormonal mess. Hoping to get all of the paperwork just right, double checking, and triple checking. Despite my best efforts we have had a few glitches since our referral. Our files took over two weeks to lock (not our fault.) Today it is issues with our immigration paperwork. Ahhh, every "problem" delays getting our girls.  Every step in the adoption road is long and hard and emotional and happy and exciting and maddening. Every emotion that one can have, I've had and usually within the same hour. Adoption is not for the weak. I would rather deliver these twins without anesthesia than walk this road again. Yes, this may have been a statement that I may have uttered tonight. I've been told that just like labor and delivery, once you hold your child all the waiting, worrying, and pain of the process fades away. After birthing four children I know that the pain fades quickly. The pain is worth the results. Our girls are worth every minute of pain and frustration that I  may be currently feeling. My heart longs to hold them and squeeze them and  tell them that they are cherished and LOVED. To tell them that they won't go another day without parents who will love them and will take care of them forever.

It is exciting to feel like the ball is rolling and an end is in sight. We have plenty of steps left but we are nearing the end of the tunnel. God has been there every step of the way. Even in the silent times he is near. He hears all (and I mean ALL) of my words. He listens to my rants, my displeasure that he isn't moving faster, the desires of my heart. Soon this will be a distant memory and I will be knee deep in sippy cups, polly pockets and all things pink. I can't wait!!! 

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, 
                                               for he who promised is faithful.                                                   
                                                  Hebrews 10:23                                                          

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